Tea is a kind of beverage contains a lot of antioxidants, of course, its good for human body when taken in the right way and healthy. In Indonesia, sweet tea is the most widely used drink when eating friends. But did you know that there is content that the tea should not be taken at mealtimes?
What Ingredients That ?
Tea from tea leaves contain many substances such as tannins and catechin binding iron or Fe on food. These substances can interfere with the absorption of iron, or Fe because it binds iron so hard iron absorbed by the intestine. Until eventually lead to iron deficiency anemia.
What is a Deficiency Anemia ?
Deficiency anemia is a condition in hemoglobin production disruption due to the lack of iron that is needed for synthesis. Severe Deficiency Anemia in a long time can lead to various complications including heart failure, anemia, stunted growth and complications during childbirth.